Gray’s Best

Gray’s Best Angling & Hunting Gear 2021

Our editors cover specialized areas of expertise and experience—Angling, Shooting, Apparel, and Accessories—and select gear…


Our top choices for angling & hunting gear Gray’s Best awards are anticipated by longtime…

Gray’s Best 2019

Our Top Choices for Angling & Hunting Gear in 2019 [by the Gray’s Sporting journal staff…

Gray’s Best 2018

 Our Top Choices for Angling and Hunting Gear in 2018 Gray’s Best awards are anticipated by…

Gray’s Best 2017

Our Top Choices for Angling and Hunting Gear in 2017. [Editorial Staff]

Gray’s Best Awards 2016

Our Top Choices for Angling and Hunting Gear in 2016. [Editorial Staff]

Gray’s Best Awards 2015

Our editors review the best new gear in the world of hunting and fishing. [Editorial…

Gray’s Best Awards 2014

Given the bewildering array of magnificent sporting equipment available today, what does best really mean? We think…