Gray’s Best 2018

Coffee at Dusk, by Brett James Smith

 Our Top Choices for Angling and Hunting Gear in 2018

Gray’s Best awards are anticipated by readers of Gray’s Sporting Journal and coveted by hunting and angling manufacturers. The reason? Gray’s Best carries the weight of authenticity. Many sporting magazines publish an end-of-the-year roundup of new products. Gray’s publishes a selection of field-tested gear.

Our editors cover areas of expertise and experience—Angling, Shooting, Apparel, and Accessories—and select gear that not only makes good first impressions, but also passes muster during repeated use. We make choices of our own volition, absent encouragement and incentive from manufacturers. Further, Gray’s Best winners deliver on the claims of their makers but also have an extra attribute, an extra something that triggers a tenor of feel, remembrance, or aesthetic that can be defined only as . . . satisfying. Much like Gray’s itself.

Turn the page and see for yourself.