Short Casts

Science Says

Epigenetics gets at the fact that although the genetic makeup of steelhead raised in either…


At the bench yesterday preparing for the arrival – knock on wood – of summer…

The Right Stuff

I hesitate to share the good news about traditional lacquer, still far and away the…

End of an Era?

I’m tying and photographing flies against a book deadline when I discover I’ve run out…

Miracles on Thirty Mile Creek

A recent WRC acquisition, in my neck of the woods, includes the second of two…

Lest We Forget: In Praise of Double Tapers

During the dozen or so years I taught wannabe fly fishers the rudiments of the…

The True Story

I’ve sat in on two Zoom presentations this past month, each one packed with information…

Western Flyer: Back from the Brink

Steinbeck and Ricketts, most readers know, carried out their Baja research from aboard the Western…

Opening Day

Growing up in southern California, I always had a fairly ambiguous relationship with opening day.…

Mortal Combat

State and federal agencies throughout the West have made the battle against invasive aquatic species…

Old Dogs, New Tricks

The first time I saw a stand-up paddle board, or SUP, used for fishing, I…