
Dawns & Departures

One frosty morning in December of 1998, I was standing on a hillside in Wales…

Tying for the Moon

I still remember, with a vividness I appreciate more each year, the first time I…

The Ever-Disappearing Roy M. Mason

I can think of no sadder words for an artist, whether living or dead, in…

For the Birds

Leeson again.  On birds, from The Habit of Rivers.  Not surprising, he says, “that so…

Don’t Miss Out on the 50th Anniversary Issue — Subscribe Today!

This signature double edition of Gray’s Sporting Journal will span the ages with work from…

The Habit of Fall

Nothing reminds me of just how lucky I am to find myself calling Oregon home…

Secret Weapons

The two books I reach for to help me concoct some sort of Water Boatmen…