Short Casts

What’s in Your Kit?

For a fellow who often claims the fly doesn’t matter, it may seem strange that…

Once More, With Feeling

As is often the case these days, I had a number of good reasons not…

California Dreamin’

I’ve parked my truck and trailered Tamalita in sunlight flooding the street in front of…

Blue Bastards

To be clear, lest I be charged, once again, with vulgarity, insensitivity or, God forbid,…

Reading the Water

I missed the mouth of the estero, one of my favorites, as I headed north…

Angling vs Fishing

In a small pueblo such as Puerto Adolfo López Mateos, nestled in the mangrove-lined esteros…

Thar She Blows!

It doesn’t take a lot in the way of imagination to understand why many anglers…

Do Your Part

In news I hope concerns outdoor enthusiasts of all stripes, the Columbia Basin Bulletin reported…

Does Color Matter?

Tying flies for an upcoming trip to Baja where, this time of year, I’ll make…

Winter Boat Chores

While we’re on the subject of winter chores:  Need I remind anybody that it’s never…

A Keener Edge

The first time I encountered a truly sharp knife I ended up watching blood drip…

Winter Workouts

Pick up a fly rod, say, or a pair of oars or even a garden…